The appetite one consumes to energise themselves may constitute the portion of diet, but whether that intake is proper nutritious diet as a food or not. This might be going to be topic for discussion. Today especially in India where diversified environmental conditions prevail, with rising economic standards likes for mouth licking taste buds have dramatically risen to a great extent keeping on shelf their nutritional value. In any part of the country, at any moment of time one can find someone either on roadside stall or may be knocking at gates of cafeteria/ restaurants. Such enormous rise in number of foodies has opened the gates of food industry wider. But where this industry can dwindle, will it be there food preparing quality and hygiene maintenance.

Coming onto this, on the prior note proper caution has to be maintained by owner to serve a hygienic diet and that involve from the very preparation till serving of food. But from the angle of foodie, not only they have to make sure themselves that the food so are consuming by them has been prepared in best possible hygienic conditions, the most important thing to be kept in their minds that such consumption of food is equivalent to a proper nutritious diet or if not such may lead to

  1. Obesity, fatigue and any stomach ache.
  2. Heavy digestive problems.
  3. Increased cholesterol.
  4. Laziness in behaviour and so on.

The basic reason for intake of proper diet deciphers good mental and physical health leading to lesser visits to hospitals/ clinics. On the contrary, vendors and owners of some food platforms knowingly or unknowingly play with the health of these foodies just to raise their money balances. But again comes the main issue of proper nutritious diet, where people ignores proper food and lands up eating junk foods, fast foods prepared of indigestive cereals; drinking unhealthy beverages and so on that in turn bringing loads of mouth-watering, filling their throats but not energising their bodies due to lack of nutrients.


To summarise, regarding these readily available edibles right calories in diet and proper eating habits can be summoned in humorous gesture as

Foodie, foodie tries to eat good,

be understood.

Otherwise the time will overrun,

to make you run.

For the hospitals or fitness centre,

to become your mentor.

So eat safe to stay safe.

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